Saturday, May 12, 2012

Product reviews: 2 products that make your eyes pop

Today, my eyes look more awake and stand out thanks to two products that I'll be reviewing for you: Paula Dorf Eye Glimmer in Nymph & Anastasia's brow gel.

I'll start with the Paula Dorf shadow. It's a radiant light blue, but it's got a gold tint to it, which I've never seen in any other shadows. The combination of the cool blue and warm gold seem unusual, but it's absolutely stunning. It reminds me of a bright golden sunrise over the turquoise waters of South Florida (yes I'm lucky to live here!). When it comes to bright colors or pastels, it's pretty easy to cross the line from trendy to trashy.
So, to make sure your pop of color looks classy, please don't bring the color all the way up to the brows. Trust me here. It looks best just on the lid. What I did (see photo, below), is just brush some along the lash line and blend up, so it's not even over all of my lid.
From my crease to my brow bone, I used Anastasia's Cooling Eye Brightener. I recommend using a brightener, highlighter or light neutral color in that area.
I was very satisfied with the pigment in this shadow. I'd say it's not quite as pigmented as Urban Decay eye shadows, but still very nice and rich, and silky smooth. It applies very easily and works well with my Urban Decay eye primer.
I have blue eyes, but I think this would look stunning on brown eyes (blue and brown complement each other perfectly). The size of the product is great and I've had it for at least 6 months, and I see it lasting a very long time, especially because I'm not wearing this daily.
I'll probably start wearing it more often because it's a great time to break out those summer hues! Just be cautious about pairing this shadow with a lip color, because a bright shadow with bright lips can look over the top. Try to emphasize one feature -- the eye area or lips, not both at the same time. Bright lips with neutral eyes or bright eyes with neutral lips = you're in the clear. I paired it with a pink lip gloss that wasn't much different from the natural shade of my lips.

Now onto the Anastasia brow gel. If you love sculpting your brows, definitely check out the line-up of brow products Anastasia offers: everything from brow gels to pencils to stencils and more. This particular brow gel is clear so it won't add any color to your brows. It can be used over powder, pencil, or simply by itself. It works well for unruly brows or tame brows that need a little sculpting (like mine!).
The wand is just like a mascara wand, so it's perfect for combing your brows into an arch while smoothing them into place. The gel works marvellously and holds your brows in place all day. If you use too much, they will feel crunchy so less is more here. I combed my eyebrow hairs upward to try to dramatize my arch and I was surprised how much of a difference this gel made. My brows aren't particularly noticable since they're blonde and not very thick, but just taking the extra few minutes to comb my arch into shape really opens my eyes up, especially since my eyes are hooded. It adds youthfulness and brings out the eyes, so I definitely recommend adding this product to your beauty routine.

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