Saturday, May 5, 2012

Fishtail braid -- the simplest party hair-do!

Since it's Cinco de Mayo and graduation season, thought I'd share a really fun and pretty hairstyle that works perfectly for parties. It's casual and chic -- hello fishtail braid. Am I the last person to learn how to do this? I can't believe what I've been missing all these years. Since my hair has grown so long, I've fallen into a lazy pattern of whipping it into a side braid every morning, but now I can spice up my classic do. It doesn't take long at all. In fact, my hair's pretty long and I did the braid pictured above in 2-3 minutes, my first try with the fishtail. I'll be wearing it to a graduation party tonight with a sundress.

Here's how it's done:
1. Put your hair into a side pony.
2. Seperate hair into two strands.
3. Grab a chunk from one strand and cross it to the center.
4. Grab a chunk from the other strand and cross it to the center.
5. Repeat.

In my opinion, a video tutorial is the simplest way to learn. Here's a great one I came across on beautylish. Bonus: the girl in the video has an awesome accent!

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